Published on : Feb-24-2022

Climate change has been a burning issue globally because of its impact on everything from human life to nature itself. Having an enormous impact on human life, climate change is the biggest threat to every living and non-living thing on planet. Highly impacted group of climate change is increasing number of climate refugees who are forced to leave their own land that was swept away by the landslide triggered by excessive and unusual pattern of rainfall. People are not only compelled to migrate internally as well as internationally as an impact of climate change.

While we discuss on the impacts of climate change at global level, it has been affecting our daily activities especially people at community level. Women in rural part have to walk for hours to fetch drinking water while children are compelled to spend long time to find firewood or grass for their cattle. These are common issues in every household that has direct/indirect impact on social relation, ecological health and economic aspects too.

CWISH having an experience of working for the protection of rights of women, children and young people is committed towards climate justice. As a cross-cutting issue to build a space where every community- marginalized, under-privileged and vulnerable are fairly treated and are not discriminated while developing policies and programmes that address the climate change. CWISH has been advocating the rights of people at threat of climate change by raising its voice at the relevant platforms with relevant stakeholders.